Saturday, September 19, 2009

Space, the final pencil frontier!

The Club House Artists and I were focused today. We had a mission of creating the coolest space station around. So focused that I looked up at the clock and class was almost over. Holy circuit breakers! We only had a few minutes left to cover how to draw the craters on the moon and super quick UFO. Time flies when you're having fun!

M (age 5) joined our super team today. We put a bungee cord on her and she held on tight. Soon she found herself drawing a space station worthy of the award,"Best in it's class" for newely engineered space station. She kept up with the older kids as we focused again on our foreshortened circles. We are repeating the shape again so that they can better understand how to build objects using just one simple 3-D shape.

Check out their most awesome work only after two classes, but do remember little M just begun! Betcha, you can't tell either!

For homework the Club House Artists drew more cakes. They were challenged to draw as many tiers as possible. Try counting to see how they did! T took hers to the next level and added color! Br said his was a quick drawing to see how fast he could draw his super tall cake.

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