Saturday, September 12, 2009

We all draw alike

I started a new class session. This group ranges from 9-11 yrs old. I probably sound like a broken record already, but again it's so amazing to see their drawings transform so quickly once they've learned some of the tool box words. It's also interesting to see that the older kids current levels are the same as the younger ones when drawing houses and airplanes. So it seems that the only differences are, the older ones draws are more controlled and add more detail. That's where most people's art knowledge usually stops unless they have someone to teach them these simple tool box words. I can guarentee that if I ask an adult to draw a house or an airplane their drawing will also look exactly like a 6 yr old's drawing of a house. Not that they are trying to just be simple, but that's where a majority of our art instruction has stopped. By the way, I do get a lot of adults asking if I can teach an adult class, and the more I'm thinking about it, I just might.

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